Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i'm Thinking About You

I'm Thinking About You. I'm thinking of you like phones think of calling, like hotdogs think of buns, like a brush thinks about hair. I'm thinking of you like a car thinks of gas, like athletes think of sports, like cheerleaders think of cheering, likedictionary's think of definitions. im thinking about you like a fatboy thinks of chocalate cake, like rats think of racing, like shoes think of feet, like ketchup thinks of mustard. I'm thinking about you like ears think of hearing, like brains thinking of thinking. im thinking about you like oceans think about waves, like clouds think of rain, like cuts think of bandaids. I'm thinking about you like lips think of kissing, like hands think of holding. I'm thinking about you like, Like, Like....... Love thinks of two people :)

Love Is...

1. Love is a BATTLEFIELD
2. Love is a Shotgun
3. Love is Gambling, very risky
4. Love is a blind person
5. Love is like Beer, it makes you feel good for a while
6. Love is Sprite and Fruit Punch mixed
7. Love is a kick in the pants
8. Love is a Rollercoaster
9.Love is two people Together Forever!
10. Love is....... LOVE!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Me Me Me!!!!!!

Hi.... my name is Ellie!

I am a fun, loving, outgoing person :)

I enjoy long walks, friends,and photography

My dream is to land on the moon and be the first

women to do a double back-flip on a dirt bike

I believe in magic! So dont tell me its not real!!!

I love flowers, fruit, and the color yellow.

I am happy, fun, loud, kind, outspoken, stubborn

beautiful, spontanious, go get'em, people person.

I am very artistic....I paint, dance, and create..

I love everyone and will always lend a hand :)

Mean people are mean... but be nice to them because

they are the ones who need smiles the most <3

well thats me and me is all i want to be!!